Tuesday 18 November 2008

Alphabet of B-Movies

A is for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes in all it's terrible glory.

B is for Big Trouble in Little China and two girls with green eyes!

C if for The Car and the sweet, sweet Barris 1971 Lincoln Continental Mark III.

D is for Dead Alive. God bless the Sumatran rat-monkey.

E is for Eaten Alive. Nothing beats a killer who has a pet crocodile.

F is for Fright Night. Be sure to pronounce the title with special emphasis on the 'T's.

G is for Ghoulies and for the ass-biting trolls popping out of toilets.

H is for The Hand. What the fuck was Oliver Stone thinking?

I is for Incubus or I Spit on Your Grave because I can't make up my mind...

J is for Jason X. Friday the 13th in space? Give me a fucking break...

K is for Krull. I want a glaive, a mullet, a McDLT and a Fresca to go please.

L is for The Legend of Boggy Creek. Bigfoot rocks!

M if for The Manitou. Indian demons coming out a woman's back and Tony Curtis! Woo-hoo...

N is for Near Dark. Redneck vampires kick total ass.

O is for Outland. A cop movie in space? Whatever...

P is for Planet of the Apes. The ORIGINAL...not that Tim Burton garbage.

Q is for Q. Ha! I've been waiting the entire alphabet for this one.

R is for Repo Man. Consequently...Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.

S is for Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone. The title alone sells this one...

T is for The Toxic Avenger: Oh yeah--I went there bitch.

U is for The Ugly. Kiwi horror flick. 'G-day mates' and all that bollocks.

V is for Vestron Video. Thanks for all the great shit you put out in the '80s. We miss you...

W is for Westworld. God bless Yul Brynner. He's so dang cool in his Johnny Cash duds.

X is for Xtro and it's gnasty, funked out rapist alien.

Y is for Yentl. Anything with Barbra Streisand in it is scary to me!

Z is for ZARDOZ. Watch this movie NOW. Fuck it...go out and BUY IT NOW. It rocks! Sean Connery in a red loincloth and thigh-high boots is a riot.

That's my list and I'm sticking to it.
